My Small Business is closed. Thank you so much to my supporters.Please continue to find ways invest in your healing, peace, and relationship with God.MANNA was so deeply a part of mine.Mark 5:34 ...
A few days ago, while walking my dog, a small group of free-spirited young boys rushed by us on bikes. The first nearly ran Harlow over, with what initially seemed like intention, as he glanced back and caught eyes with me silently. Without thinking, but Cleary with loaded judgement, I yelled, "why would you do that?". I'm naturally curious about human understanding and...
When I'm uplifting myself and others through tough times, I stand pulling out my old handy beliefs: This is a moment that will pass. I will rise above defeat. I am seen, loved, and heard. God has a plan. Trust and wait. Stand firm and don't bend. Rise. Fight. Keep Going. Stand Strong. Be Strong. You are special. Everything is unfolding the way it's...

Before I Let Go | Things To Do Before Leaving This Lifetime Pt. 1
Monday, August 26, 2019
When I wrote the post "25 Things To Do Before Turning 25" two months before my 25th birthday, it was innocently intentioned, and from a place of where my journey was then. At 32, I will not shame it — there's actually some really great suggestions listed. :) Instead, I'll create an updated list, I like to call Things To Do Before Leaving This Lifetime....

Oh Latasha Jean how sweet you are! Fully 30-something! I LOVE YOU!!! ...